We launched ideide.co v0.1 🎉

Faris Dewras
2 min readNov 25, 2020

Finally, after months of meetings, brainstorming and developing, we are proudly announcing that our first MVP of ideide.co is launched 🎉

Kindly check our v0.1 here : https://ideide.co

Bear with us, because this is still in the early stage, there are still many bugs and the interface is still very simple. If you have any recommendation regarding our product, feel free to reach out to me through faris@ideide.co or you can DM me on my twitter.

For background regarding our product, this is not the main feature of our service. We trying to implement lean, in order to gain user feedback before we launch our main feature and adjusting our features accordingly.

Our feature

Activity recommendation

After approximately 9 months of working from home and quarantine, have you ever wondered “What should I do during this free time?” or maybe “What can I do next to become productive?” well, you are not alone, all of us feels that especially on weekends.

Source : GIPHY

You can say goodbye to boredom now, next you have this free time and want to do something, just go to our website (https://ideide.co) and get an idea instantly. With a simple UX that can give you an idea of activity with just 1 click, you now can fill that free time with fun activity.

We have provides more than 50 activity ideas on our platform, you can just simply search the one that suits you. Do you have any crazy, anti-mainstream or maybe just a simple activity idea that you want to be put in our platform? You can fill this form and we will put it on our platform so other user can try your ideas too. We are always expanding and curating our activity so you we won’t bored you, since it was the objective of our platform :)

Pro tips : Bookmark our website (https://ideide.co) so you can find activity idea easily



Faris Dewras

Here to learn. Passionate in crypto, product and investing.